SRP Theory of Change Public Consultation
October 12, 2022
- Time: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm ICT, GMT+7
- Duration: 1 hour
- Venue: Microsoft Teams (online)
The Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) 5-Year Strategic Plan is based on a Theory of Change developed in 2017. It is critical that we periodically revisit and test the continuing relevance of our assumptions and direction in light of rapid external change, particularly technological advancement, and also in line of SRP’s own evolution and trajectory.
Guided by Aimee Russillo, a leading expert in governance of commodity standards, and the SRP Board, the SRP Secretariat has worked over the past months to refresh SRP’s Theory of Change as a framework for planning as well as for monitoring and evaluation.
We are therefore pleased to invite you to participate in a public stakeholder consultation on the revised draft SRP Theory of Change and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning system, developed in line with the ISEAL Code of Good Practice. This interactive online workshop offers stakeholders an opportunity to review the revised draft, provide feedback on its relevance, logic, completeness, robustness and ambitions, and also to explore potential unintended effects. Feedback from this workshop will provide vital insights to understand how SRP interventions will contribute to a chain of results that lead to our intended transformational impacts, i.e. a coherent narrative about how each SRP intervention and activity makes particular contributions, together with risk mitigation strategies.
- 17:00-17:20 – Overview of the SRP Theory of Change and SRP Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning System
- 17:20-17:50 – Open discussion
- 17:50-18:00 – Next steps and opportunities for further inputs
Who should attend?
- SRP members from all stakeholder constituencies
- Other stakeholders interested in SRP and its activities (actors from the private and public sectors, research, civil society and the international development community, as well as other commodity schemes)
The webinar is open to public.
- Dr Keith Jones, Chair, SRP Board
- Nattarikarn Thongsomboon, SRP Monitoring, Impacts and Reporting officer, SRP Secretariat
The event will be facilitated by Aimee Russillo, independent consultant and SRP Code Compliance Advisor.
Rewatch the webinar on SRP’s YouTube Channel:
Webinar presentation slides: