Perspectives from the Fields: From Smallholder Rice Farmer to Agripreneurial Success
SRP members cultivating change: Farmer stories from the fields.
In our series “Perspectives from the Fields,” we share stories of SRP rice farmers our members work with. We want to showcase their stories to encourage more actors in the global rice sector to join our mission, motivate more farmers to switch to sustainable rice cultivation, and inspire more consumers to buy sustainable rice.
Meet rice farmer Sophea
In Cambodia’s Battambang province, rice farmer Sophea embodies the spirit of innovation and resilience in agriculture. Since embarking on his farming journey as a teenager, he has transformed his modest operation into a thriving enterprise that not only meets local demands but also contributes to international markets. This article explores Sophea’s inspiring journey, his commitment to sustainable practices, and the vital role he plays in empowering his community.
Name of farmer: Sophea Say
Project participated in: Sustainable Rice Project Cambodia
Country: Cambodia
Story submitted by: Mars Food & Nutrition
In the early 2000s, Cambodian agriculture experienced a transformative period, paving the way for individuals like Sophea Say, a visionary jasmine rice farmer from Battambang province in the northwest of Cambodia.
Sophea began his farming journey back in 1999, a 17-year-old who was preparing to start his university studies. Learning the art of rice farming from his father and equipped with a solid educational background in business management, Sophea’s determination led him to expand his modest 10-hectare plot into an impressive 120 hectares over the course of two decades.
Today, Sophea is not only a cultivator of paddy rice but also a source of inspiration for fellow farmers, producing rice seeds that can then be used in Mars Food & Nutrition’s products. With four rice varieties on his land, Sophea adeptly responds to market demands, transitioning seamlessly between seed production and rice cultivation. His vision extends beyond his fields, as he plans to integrate his thriving livestock business, which includes around 100 cows, with his rice cultivation efforts.

Reflecting on his journey, Sophea recalls the labor-intensive farming practices and the challenges he faced in the early years. However, through strategic investments and access to financial resources, Sophea has revolutionized his operations, significantly reducing labor costs and improving efficiency. “Every year, my rice production has grown with good profits,” says Sophea. “I have reinvested the earnings to expand my production and hire additional workers during peak seasons.”
Equipped with three tractors and a keen eye for innovation, Sophea embraces technology to drive cost efficiency. Utilizing a drum seeder, a modern tool that facilites precise seed placement, Sophea exemplifies a progressive approach to traditional farming practices, driving efficiency and minimizing waste.
Despite the progress made, challenges remain in Battambang province, particularly regarding the region’s reliance on rain-fed agriculture. The unpredictable nature of weather conditions can limit farmers to a single crop per year and compelling them to seek alternative income sources to sustain themselves.
Between 2018 and 2022, through a partnership with the International Finance Cooperation (IFC), Mars Food & Nutrition supported 21 agricultural cooperatives in Cambodia. This participation has been instrumental for Sophea, as it ensures a stable market for his rice seeds. By promoting sustainable rice production and enhancing business management performance among farmer cooperatives following the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) Standard for Sustainable Rice Cultivation, these initiatives have enabled farmers to adopt more sustainable practices and improve their overall efficiency and productivity. With ongoing support from Mars and the launch of new projects, both existing and new farmers will cultivate additional varieties of jasmine rice that meet the brand’s quality standards and SRP criteria. This forward-thinking approach empowers farmers to make informed decisions, leveraging market dynamics and diversifying their offerings to meet the needs of a global customer base.
As a true agripreneur, Sophea’s success story serves as an inspiration to the community, showcasing that success in agriculture is possible with dedication, innovation, and collaboration. While challenges remain, Sophea firmly believes that many opportunities exist for those willing to invest effort and dedication in their land. Through his unwavering spirit, Sophea cultivates not only crops but also hope, ensuring a bountiful harvest for generations to come.
If you are an SRP member and would like to submit a farmer experience for our “Perspectives from the Fields” series, please contact Roong Tepkaew at roong.tepkaew@sustainablerice.org. We share these stories on our website, in our newsletter and on our social media channels.