SRP Authorized Training Program

Supporting the sustainability scale-up

The SRP Authorized Training Program offers guidance, training and technical assistance to extension services, implementation partners and farmers to support upscaling sustainable practices.

How the SRP Authorized Training Program works

About SRP Authorized Training Courses
SRP Authorized Training Courses are designed to build a cadre of persons qualified to conduct farmer outreach, training, and verification activities in support of SRP objectives.

Who delivers our courses?
SRP endorses selected institutions, known as SRP Authorized Training Providers, to deliver approved training courses and to administer course exams, which lead to successful trainees’ receipt of certification from SRP as an SRP Authorized Trainer. These individuals help further scale on-the-ground capacity building.

Our members’ promise
SRP members and Registered SRP Projects commit to using only SRP Authorized Training Providers and/or SRP Authorized Trainers for SRP-related training activities. This ensures high-quality implementation, consistency, and credibility of SRP-related claims.

SRP Authorized Training Providers (institutions) deliver SRP Authorized Training Courses.

Individuals who complete and pass authorized training courses (SRP Authorized Trainers, Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) In-House Trainers) may qualify to conduct farmer outreach, training and verification activities.

SRP publishes an online list of SRP Authorized Trainers and Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) In-House Trainers to support the needs of SRP members.

SRP Members and Registered SRP Projects commit to using only SRP Authorized Training Providers and/or SRP Authorized Trainers and/or Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) In-House Trainers for SRP-related training and verification activities.

Discover more about the SRP Training System in our SRP Authorized Training Manual
Access our list of SRP Authorized Trainers


authorized trainings conducted


participants enrolled


authorized trainers


countries authorized trainers are based in

SRP Authorized Training Courses

SRP Authorized Training Courses are centrally-developed, reviewed and approved by the SRP Technical Committee. SRP awards certificates to individuals who pass an online examination conducted at the end of each course.

Register for upcoming SRP Authorized Training Courses

How to Participate in the SRP Training Program

Make a difference in driving the rice industry toward sustainability.

Become an SRP Authorized Trainer

What is an SRP Authorized Trainer?
An individual who is authorized by SRP to deliver training on certified topics after receiving an SRP-issued Certificate of Recognition with a unique individual registration number.

View our list of SRP Authorized Trainers

How to become an SRP Authorized Trainer
You must pass authorized training course(s) that correspond with the topic and trainer designation you are pursuing (view the table below) in order to receive a Certification of Recognition as an SRP Authorized Trainer.

SRP currently recognizes four SRP Authorized Trainer designations: SPI, AS, IMS, CoC

These correspond with the following SRP Authorized Training Courses:
1. Understanding the SRP Standard and Performance Indicators (SPI)
2. Understanding the SRP Assurance Scheme (AS)
3. Understanding the SRP Internal Management System Standard and Guidelines (IMS)
4. Understanding the SRP Chain of Custody Policy and Standard (CoC)

Designation SRP Authorized Training Courses
SRP Authorized Trainer (SPI)
SRP Authorized Trainer (AS)
SRP Authorized Trainer (MS)
SRP Authorized Trainer (CoC)
Become an SRP Authorized Training Provider

What is an SRP Authorized Training Provider?
SRP Authorized Training Providers are institutions that are endorsed by the SRP to deliver approved training courses on SRP and to administer course exams that lead to successful trainees’ receipt of a Certificate of Recognition from the SRP.

There are currently three SRP Authorized Training Providers:

How to become an SRP Authorized Training Provider?
Institutions interested in becoming an SRP Authorized Training Provider should review the SRP Authorized Training Manual for eligibility criteria and procedures for SRP endorsement.

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