SRP Extraordinary General Assembly 2022 and Call for Nominations
The Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) is pleased to pre-announce that an Extraordinary General Assembly meeting will be held virtually on 22 September 2022 (09:00-11:00 CEST).
The principal agenda items for the meeting will be as follows:
- Election of Board Members
- Approval of amendments to Articles of Association
- Appointment of independent auditors
All SRP members are warmly invited to participate in this meeting. Formal invitations will be circulated via email to official representatives of all member institutions shortly, in accordance with Section 13 of the Articles of Association.
Please remember that General Assembly meetings are for SRP members only. Only 1 representative per member organization is permitted to vote; however up to 4 representatives per organization are permitted to attend.
Call for Nominations
We take this opportunity to say au revoir to Dr Simon Mahood (Wildlife Conservation Society) and Dr Margaret Williams (Winrock) who recently stepped down from the Board as a result of job changes. We extend our heartfelt thanks to both for their commitment, contributions and guidance during their terms and wish them well in their new roles. Margaret is replaced as Winrock’s representative by Mr Jim Whitaker, a fifth-generation family farmer and managing partner of the family- owned and operated Trinity Farms in Arkansas, USA.
With the 3-year terms of several Board members ending on 30 September 2022, SRP seeks nominations from eligible candidates for the following Board seats:
- Public sector: 2 seats
- Service, input and equipment providers: 2 seats
- Civil society: 2 seats
- At-large (any constituency): 2 seats
In keeping with SRP’s goal to promote diversity throughout the organization, we especially encourage nominations from females and candidates from the global South. Please submit your nomination including photo and short bio by email to info@sustainablerice.org no later than 17:00 (CEST) on 18 August 2022. SRP will publish the final list of candidates and their profiles via website and newsletter no later than 5 September 2022. Voting will then take place via secure, online voting, to be managed by Mi-Voice, an independent third-party provider. Voting will close on 15 September 2022, and the outcome will be announced at the Extraordinary General Assembly.
Prospective Board members with questions about the nomination process or duties/time commitment as a Board member should feel free to contact Wyn Ellis (Executive Director).