Welcome new SRP members
We are delighted to welcome our newest SRP members. These new research and supply chain actors bring enormous new value to SRP and we look forward to engaging with them in our network.
Learn more about our new members from their profiles below:

CIRAD (Agricultural Research Centre for International Development)
CIRAD is the French agricultural research and cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions. More than 60 CIRAD researchers based in France but also Asia, Africa and South America, are contributing to research on the rice value chain, covering a large array of thematics (genetics and breeding, physiology, microbiology and crop protection, water management, agronomy, post harvest technology, sociology and economy). CIRAD, with its research and development partners, aims at developing and accompanying Agroecological Transition in irrigated and rainfed conditions and to support financial mechanisms that could accompany farmers in the transition towards a more sustainable agriculture. In this purpose, CIRAD took part to the first steps of SRP and is still implied in SRP processes in different countries as in the SRP National Chapter for Cambodia.

BASF SE (Agricultural Solutions)
In the Agricultural Solutions segment of BASF, we believe that the way forward for agriculture is to find the right balance and create value for the environment, society, and business. We are committed to making a positive impact on sustainable agriculture and food systems. Our innovation-driven strategy for agriculture focuses on selected crops such as rice and their appropriate cultivation systems in specific regions. We integrate sustainability criteria into all business and portfolio decisions. In doing so, we help farmers to achieve better yield – yield that is produced in ways that are recognized as valuable by society, are kind to the planet and enable farmers to produce economically. We leverage our expertise in research and development and our deep understanding of the way individual growers manage their farms to provide offers across technologies. These include novel solutions for seeds, traits, crop protection and digital products, which we link intelligently. This enables us to offer farmers solutions tailored to their region and crop systems to safeguard yields, mitigate risks, and fulfill societal requirements.
Rice is the most important food crop in the world, playing a critical role in ensuring food security and alleviating poverty. To operate successfully, rice farmers need consistent quality and high yields. Weeds, pests and diseases can threaten that success. BASF’s solutions help them to control these problems effectively. We are committed to effective stewardship on and off the field and believe that the appropriate management and use of innovative products and technologies help strengthen sustainable agriculture, as well as safeguarding the environment and public health.

Grimp Shwebo Company
Grimp Shwebo Company was established in 2018 in Shwebo Township, Myanmar. They provide rice milling services with a capacity of 200 tons per day for local farmers and distribute rice throughout the whole country. Grimp Shwebo Company focuses on the quality of rice and local farmers’ benefits. Two agricultural technicians from Grimp Shwebo lead SRP trainings on SRP practices for farmers in Shwebo in cooperation with Helvetas Myanmar, UNEP, SRP and Prime Agri; a total of 191 farmers joined these SRP trainings in 2021.

Hla Taw Land Company
Hla Taw Land Co. Ltd was established in 2012 at Wetlatt township and provides rice milling services for local farmers in the Shwebo region. With a milling capacity of 26000 MT per year, it is one of the largest rice mills with good post-harvest facilities in the region. The primary focus of the company is to upgrade the quality of rice as well as to ensure food safety.
Under the brand name “Five Diamond Rice”, the company has a good presence in the domestic market and distributes rice throughout Myanmar especially in Yangon, Mandalay and the lower parts of Myanmar.
In 2021, Hla Taw Land Company started to collaborate with the Myanmar Climate Smart Project to educate more than 200 farmers in Shwebo on SRP best practices in collaboration with Helvetas Myanmar. Hla Taw Land Co., Ltd aims to accelerate rice production in a sustainable manner and conserve the environment. Through the adoption of the SRP Standard and climate rice practices, the company believes that local farmers can improve their income by producing high quality rice

Shwe Oo Wai Rice Mill
Shwe Oo Wai Rice Mill was established in 2017. In 2019 the rice mill upgraded its capacity from 60 MT to 80 MT per day. Since 2019 Shwe Oo Wai Rice Mill is a partner rice mill of the Climate Smart Rice Project (implemented by Helvetas Myanmar, UNEP, SRP and Prime Agri). In collaboration with the project, the rice mill has two extension staffs who are well trained on the SRP Standard to educate participating farmers and provide support to trained farmers in adopting sustainable rice cultivation practices. Currently, more than 200 farmers have been trained on the SRP Standard and the rice mill is working with more than 800 farmers in total.
Shwe Oo Wai Rice Mill aims to ensure rice production in a sustainable manner without adversely affecting the environment and to improve the quality of rice offered in the market. Though the use of SRP principals, Shwe Oo Wai Rice Mill is supporting smallholders rice farmers to increase their income and its position in the market by offering higher quality rice. The rice is mostly sold in the domestic market, but also to exporters.

U Aung Myint Rice Mill (Mon Lay)
Mon Lay rice mill was established in 2000 with a capacity of 20 MT per day. The capacity was upgraded to 60 MT per day in 2018. Mon Lay is working with more than 500 farmers today. The rice mill became a partner rice mill of the Climate Smart Rice Project in 2019.
Mon Lay cooperates in training partner farmers on the SRP Standard through its two extension staffs who were trained on the SRP Standard, IPM, seed production and pesticide application trainings. To date, 207 farmers have been trained on the SRP Standard.
Partner farmers of the rice mill grow primarily short grain rice with high eating quality, mainly for the domestic market. The mill sells to customers in the Mon state, Kayin State and Tanintharyi Division. The mill owner and his partner farmers are driven to follow sustainable ways of rice production without damaging the environment and farmers’ health. They also want to produce quality rice to promote farmers’ income and increase their market share in the domestic market.

U Aung Naing Win Huller Rice Mill
U Aung Naing Win Harlar rice mill was established in 1950 as a small rice mill with a capacity of 15 MT per day. The capacity of the rice mill was upgraded to 35 MT per day in 2022.
U Aung Naing Win Harlar rice mill is currently working with more than 500 smallholder farmers from Mon and Kayin ethic groups in the Mon and Kayin State. U Aung Naing Win Harlar rice mill provides farm input such as rice seeds, fertilizer and cash for farm operations. All partner farmers sell almost all of their produce to the rice mill. Miller and farmers have had good relationship for many years.
The rice mill became a partner rice mill of the Climate Smart Rice Project of Helvetas Myanmar in 2019 and has one extension staff who is trained on the SRP Standard and trains partner farmers who interesting to join the SRP project together with the rice mill. The rice mill also produces certified rice seeds for its partner farmers to support quality rice seed at a low cost.
The main customers of this rice mill are from Mon, Kayin, Bago and Yangon. U Aung Naing Win Harlar rice mill aims to produce rice in sustainable way in accordance with the SRP Standard, that will lead to increased farmer incomes, farm families’ health and to obtain a position in the market with higher quality rice.

U Kyaw Myint Huller Rice Mill
U Kyaw Myint Harlar rice mill was established in 2008 with capacity of 40 MT per day. The rice mill is located in the heart of the raining and summer season rice production zone of Thahton District, Mon State.
U Kyaw Myint Harlar rice mill supports farmers by providing rice seeds and fertilizer in advance for years. The rice mill is working with more than 300 farmers today. It became a partner rice mill of the Climate Smart Rice Project of Helvetas Myanmar in 2019. An extension staff of the rice mill who is well trained on the SRP Standard, IPM, pesticide application and more, trains partner farmers on the SRP Standard. To date, 102 farmers have been trained on the SRP Standards.
U Kyaw Myint Harlar rice mill is keen to support a sustainable way of rice production to increase farmers’ income as well as the production of high-quality rice to expand his business. Currently, U Kyaw Myint Harlar rice mill sells its rice domestically in Kayin, Bago, Yangon and Mon, but also for export to other countries.

U Mya Aye Harlar Rice Mill
U Mya Aye Huller rice mill was established in 1997, with a milling capacity of 1000MT per year for both the domestic and export market.
The rice mill has been a partner of the Climate Smart Rice Project since 2020 and is supporting SRP practices in collaborating with more than 80 farmers in both monsoon and summer seasons. One extension staff who is well trained on the SRP Standard educates farmers and follows up with all the trained farmers to adopt the SRP Standard.
U Mya Aye Huller rice mill aims to ensure sustainable rice production without adversely affecting the environment and to improve the quality of rice offered in the market. Through the use of SRP principles, U Mya Aye Huller rice mill is supporting smallholders rice farmers to increase their income as well as its own position in the market by offering higher quality rice.

U Myo Min Tun Huller Rice Mill
U Myo Min Htun Huller Rice Mill was established in 1998, with a capacity of 60MT per day. The rice mill has recently (2022) upgraded its capacity to 100MT per day and is trading 4000MT rice per year for both the domestic and international market.
U Myo Min Htun Huller Rice Mill has been a partner rice mill of the Myanmar Climate Smart Rice Project since 2022. The rice mill is collaborating with more than 80 farmers in both monsoon and summer seasons. An extension staff of the rice mill who is well trained on the SRP Standard, organizes trainings on adoption of the SRP Standard.
U Myo Min Htun Huller Rice Mill aims to ensure rice production in a sustainable manner without adversely affecting the environment and to improve the quality of rice offered in the market. Through the use of SRP principles, U Myo Min Htun Huller Rice Mill is supporting smallholder rice farmers to increase their income and positions itself in the market as a company offering higher quality rice.

U Win Bo Trading
U Win Bo Trading started his business in 2016 and has a capacity of 4000MT per year. Its main markets are the Kayin State and Yangon. U Win Bo Trading plans to establish a rice mill with the capacity of 100MT per day in 2022 in Waw township.
U Win Bo Trading has been a partner of the Climate Smart Rice Project since 2020 and is promoting SRP practices through collaborating with more than 80 farmers. An extension staff who is well trained on the SRP Standard trains farmers and follows up on adoption of the SRP Standard.
U Win Bo Trading aims to ensure rice production in a sustainable manner without adversely affecting the environment and to improve the quality of rice offered in the market. Through the use of SRP principles, the miller is supporting smallholders rice farmers to increase their income and its position in the market by marketing higher quality rice.