SRP: 10 years in review
As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP), our message is clear: We are just getting started.
SRP, now an independent membership association with around 100 institutional members worldwide, is a multi-stakeholder alliance that will continue to drive sustainability in the global rice sector moving forward through the resources and leverage it represents.
Ever since our establishment in 2011, our goal has always been to transform the global rice sector by reducing its environmental impact while improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and by offering the global rice market an assured supply of sustainably produced rice to meet the growing global demand for rice. Over the years, and through a variety of impactful initiatives, we are proud to have helped many rice farmers adopt sustainable best practices, embrace high environmental standards, and increase the quality of their output.
To honor the occasion, we take this opportunity to share some of the milestones and achievements that have shaped who we are today.
Achievements and Milestones
2011: Establishment
SRP is co-convened by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ). It has since become an independent membership association.
2015: First SRP Standard
SRP launches the world’s first-ever voluntary sustainability standard for rice – the SRP Standard for Sustainable Rice Cultivation – alongside a set of performance indicators to track the progress and impact of ongoing efforts. The SRP Standard provides a normative framework for the production of environmentally friendly sustainable rice.
2016: First Compliance
Farmers in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, produce the first ton of rice which is compliant with the new SRP Standard. The project is piloted by the Better Rice Initiative Asia (BRIA), in cooperation with the Thai Rice Department.
2017: First Global Sustainable Rice Conference and Exhibition
The first Global Sustainable Rice Conference and Exhibition is being held in Bangkok bringing together over 300 delegates from 30 countries, representing a broad spectrum of rice sector actors and development professionals.
2019: SRP Training Programme Launch
To upscale sustainable practices, SRP introduces the SRP Authorized Training Program, designed to train a cadre of qualified persons to conduct farmer outreach, training, and verification activities.
2020: SRP Assurance Scheme Launch
SRP launches the world’s first-ever rice sustainability management system, the SRP Assurance Scheme. This initiative enables the quick implementation of a robust, cost-effective and transparent path to measure sustainability in the rice supply chain, offering three levels of assurance. It also provides clarity and transparency for consumers, through a special “SRP-Verified” packaging label.
2021: SRP-Verified rice in supermarkets
The first “SRP-Verified” rice products become available to consumers in supermarkets across Europe.
Now: Global Expansion
22 Registered SRP Projects are currently active in 19 countries globally. Together, they have a total of over 400,000 farmers, contributing significantly to SRP’s goal to reach one million farmers adopting climate-smart, sustainable practices by 2023.
Toward a sustainable future
These milestones demonstrate the willingness of stakeholders across the value chain to embrace sustainable rice production, when the right standards are put in place.
SRP’s auspicious beginning has now set the stage for bigger things to come. Our shared vision remains the same: “Feed the world. Sustainably.” Join us today to become part of our sustainable rice value chain for the next 10 years and beyond!