SRP is Hiring a Regional Technical Coordinator
The Sustainable Rice Platform is seeking an experienced and motivated Regional Technical Coordinator to lead implementation of the Public-Private Blended Finance Facility for Climate-Resilient Rice Landscapes project, funded under the Global Environment Facility
The Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) is seeking a Regional Technical Coordinator to serve as Team Leader for the project: ‘Public-Private Blended Finance Facility for Climate-Resilient Rice Landscapes’. The project is part of the Global Environment Facility Challenge Programme for Adaptation Innovation (GEF ID: 10929) funded by the GEF Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF).
SRP serves as the lead executing agency for the project, with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as the GEF Implementing Agency. Additional partners include the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), International Finance Corporation, Clarmondial AG and relevant Government agencies in the three pilot countries- Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam.
The 3-year project will support the design of inter-connected blended finance facilities at country level to catalyse public and private sector investment to scale-up adaptation and resilience-building in rice landscapes across Asia. The project’s objective is to catalyse public and private financing for climate-resilient rice landscapes, value chains and livelihoods. Project outcomes will be delivered via three primary components:
- design of an integrated financing mechanism;
- enhancement of financial and technical capacities of farmers (women and men), producer groups, counterparts, and intermediaries to invest effectively in climate resilience; and
- development and implementation of program-wide impact monitoring, governance, adaptive learning, and knowledge sharing mechanisms.
The project will design and secure key partnerships from both public and private sectors, to assess financing gaps and potential partners The final facility will be able to be to target additional countries where feasible and viable.
About the Job
The Regional Technical Coordinator/Team Leader will lead the implementation, management, administration and technical supervision of the project. Key responsibilities include project management, leading a team of 6 short-term experts, project coordination among project partners (Sustainable Rice Platform, FAO, International Finance Corporation and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development) as well as government agencies in the three pilot countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam). The RTC will also be responsible for monitoring and evaluation, project reporting knowledge management and communications, and compliance with administrative requirements
Required qualifications and experience
- At least five years of relevant experience in developing guidance and vehicles to channel public and private finance to address issues associated with food and agriculture systems and climate change.
- Advanced university degree in finance and economics, climate change, land use management, agricultural economics, development economics, project management and business administration, or a related topic.
- Experience in structuring innovative financial instruments such as blended finance would be an advantage.
- Proficiency in English and a strong professional network in relevant fields in South/Southeast Asia.
The RTC position is an international consultancy role with a total time input of 314 person-days over the duration of the 36-month project. The RTC will report to the SRP Executive Director, working closely with the designated FAO Focal Point based in Bangkok at the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Remote work is fully permitted.
How to Apply
Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply with a covering letter and CV to info@sustainablerice.org Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Applications should be received no later than 15 March 2025.