SRP Training Programme Update: Rules for SRP Authorized Trainers
SRP has updated relevant training rules and systems corresponding to a growing number of SRP authorized training courses and qualified persons to support SRP activities at scale. The following updates might be especially relevant for SRP Authorized Trainers/Trainees who have passed SRP Training Courses in the past
New designations for SRP Authorized Trainer
What are the new designations?
To build persons qualified to deliver training on different topics, SRP has expanded the designations for SRP Authorized Trainers corresponding to current (developing) authorized training courses: SRP Authorized Trainer SPI, AS, IMS, and CoC.
The acronym reflects the course/training topic that individuals are eligible to deliver. They must complete and pass authorized training course(s) per required below in order to attain respective designations:

For existing SRP Authorized Trainers/Trainees: What should I do next?
1. Persons who completed the Understanding the SRP Standard and Performance Indicators Course (SPI) and received a Certificate of Recognition as an SRP Authorized Trainer (with or without the acronym) are able to continue training activity on the topic. If wishing to extend the scope of training delivery to other topics, you must attend and pass the authorized training course(s) which each designation requires (see the table above).
2. Persons who completed and passed the Understanding the SRP Assurance Scheme Course (AS) with GLOBALG.A.P. during 2019 and 2020 are still eligible to support a Verification Body in an audit or internal training (provided that other required qualifications are also met). If wishing to attain designation as an SRP Authorized Trainer (AS), empowered to support relevant stakeholders in capacity building on SRP Assurance Scheme (not limited to internal training), you must pursue one of either option:
- Re-attend the full AS training and take the post-training exam – Kindly check Training Calendar at SRP website/Trainings page.
- Do a self-study and request a re-examination with GLOBALG.A.P. – Kindly contact Marina García del Castillo at academy@globalgap.org.
Success in either option (earn exam score 80% or higher) results in receipt of an updated certificate and training materials. For those who completed a single AS course (not yet attended nor passed SPI course), SRP shall issue a Certificate of Achievement to verify the successful participation instead.
For more detailed information, please review the updated Rules for SRP Authorized Trainers.
Please stay tuned for the forthcoming authorized training courses on Internal Management System (IMS) and Chain of Custody (CoC) which are expected to launch in the second quarter of 2022!