Open Public Consultation: Thailand National Interpretation Guidelines of the SRP Standard for Sustainable Rice Cultivation
The Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) is initiating a public consultation period for the Thailand National Interpretation Guidelines (NIG) of the SRP Standard for Sustainable Rice Cultivation in line with the Protocol for Development of SRP National Interpretation Guidelines. This consultation presents a valuable opportunity for stakeholders to contribute their expertise and insights to help shape the future of sustainable rice production in Thailand.
What are the Thailand NIG?
The Thailand NIG have been developed by the SRP National Chapter Thailand to contextualize and tailor the SRP Standard to the specific conditions and challenges of rice cultivation in Thailand. These guidelines provide a practical framework for farmers, millers, and other stakeholders to implement sustainable practices across the rice value chain.
Purpose of the consultation
Input and feedback from stakeholders will play a pivotal role in refining the Thailand NIG and ensuring its alignment with local priorities, knowledge, and best practices. This collaborative effort will ultimately contribute to sustainability and resilience of the Thai rice sector, benefiting farmers, communities, and the environment.
How to contribute?
To participate in the public consultation, please review the draft Thailand NIG document, which is available for download here. Kindly submit your comments, suggestions, and any other relevant input to the SRP Secretariat via email at trusti.widiastuti[at]
Your input will be carefully reviewed and considered by the SRP Secretariat and relevant stakeholders in the development of the final Thailand NIG. We greatly appreciate your active engagement and contribution to this crucial process.
Consultation period
The consultation period will remain open for 30 days, starting from the date of this announcement, giving you ample time to provide your valuable feedback before the due date (14 July 2023).
Who should participate?
This consultation open to public, allowing SRP members from all stakeholder constituencies and other stakeholders interested in SRP and its activities (actors from the private and public sectors, research, civil society and the international development community and others) to contribute their comments.
Thank you for your dedication to sustainable rice production and your commitment to shaping a more sustainable future for the Thai rice sector. We look forward to your valuable insights and continued collaboration.