SRP survey results show growing interest in sustainable rice
The Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) recently conducted its 2022 Annual Rice Survey among a broad base of stakeholders in the global rice sector. The 2022 survey analysis is based on feedback from 82 respondents.
The survey findings indicate a significant level of interest and support for the concept of sustainably produced rice.

74% of respondents reported that they are currently either sourcing sustainable rice or working with projects involving sustainable (social and/or environmentally responsible) rice. The majority (84%) of those who do not source or work with projects involving sustainable rice have plans to do so in the short to medium term.
Do you currently source or work with projects that involve sustainable (social and/or environmental) rice?

Sourcing sustainable rice – status quo and volumes
The survey asked rice actors involved in sourcing rice whether they are currently sourcing/planning to source sustainable rice in the near future, which countries they are sourcing/planning to source sustainable rice from, and how much rice (volumes) they are sourcing per year.
- 57% of respondents are currently sourcing sustainable rice – or planning to source it in the near future.
- Pakistan, India, Thailand and Vietnam are the countries from which sustainable rice is currently primarily being sourced – or planned to be sourced from.
- 46% of respondents source more than 5,000 tons of rice per year.
What range of volumes of rice are you currently sourcing per year?

When specifically asked what percentage of their current volume respondents source sustainably, 51% of respondents replied that they source more than 15% of their total rice procurement volume with sustainable rice, while 49% of respondents work with volumes lower than 15% of sustainable rice.
Approximately what percentage of your current volume do you source sustainably?

- 49% of respondents worked with volumes lower than 15% of sustainable rice.
- 40% of respondents worked with volumes between 15 and 70% of sustainable rice.
- 11% of respondents worked with volumes higher than 70% of sustainable rice.
Looking ahead, we asked respondents what percentage of total procurement volume they expect to source sustainably by 2025. 85% of respondents expect to source more than 15% of their total rice procurement volume with sustainable rice by 2025.
What percentage of your volume do you expect to source sustainably by 2025?

- 15% of respondents expect to source volumes lower than 15% of sustainable rice by 2025.
- 53% of respondents expect to source volumes between 15 and 70% of sustainable rice by 2025.
- 32% of respondents expect to source volumes higher than 70% of sustainable rice by 2025.
Sourcing sustainable rice – motivation and challenges
We also asked participants about their main motivation and most significant challenges to sourcing sustainable rice.
Respondents indicated that their main motivations for sourcing sustainable rice are
- consumer interest in sustainability, and
- compliance with corporate sustainability policy.
The main obstacles to procuring sustainable rice were reported as
- insufficient supply;
- lack of consumer demand;
- high prices; and
- lack of traceability.
Visibility of SRP
The survey also included a section about SRP, where participants were asked whether they are acquainted with SRP and what their main interests and motivations are/would be to work with SRP. Results show that all respondents are familiar with SRP.
Are you already acquainted with the SRP?

The 2021 survey, though not directly comparable, found only 51% awareness of SRP among respondents. In contrast, the 2022 survey found a much higher level of awareness among respondents, with many participating in an SRP-related activity including the Assurance Scheme.
Farmers and environment – drivers for sustainable rice
Respondents indicated themes such as boosting smallholder farmers, protecting the environment, reducing use of chemicals, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, improving land and water management, and conserving biodiversity as most relevant to their operations.
From the following list of SRP focus areas regarding sustainable rice production, please indicate the 5 most relevant for your operations

Interest in SRP services
Finally, respondents indicated interest in SRP’s capacity to offer services, including knowledge sharing, capacity building, authorized training and technical assistance for farmers, industry/stakeholder networking, value chain assurance and verification (including on-pack SRP-Verified label), as well as project partnerships.
If you are interested in receiving a presentation of the full survey results or learning more about the value that sustainably produced rice can add to your business, please contact Roong Tepkaew at roong.tepkaew@sustainablerice.org.